
The Female Singer has appeared in most Guitar Hero games except for Guitar Hero: On Tour, standing in the Male Singer's place for songs with female vocals (though that is not exactly the case with X's "Los Angeles", which is sung by both a male and a female vocalist, like John Doe and Exene Cervenka do in the original version). She is American.


In all games but one, she is depicted with blonde dreadlocks kept back with a red headband, soft smudge blue eye makeup and a mole on the left side of her face near her bottom lip. In Guitar Hero II, Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80s, Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, and Guitar Hero: Aerosmith, she wears a green mini jacket, a small red top that leaves the midriff exposed, with the word rock printed in black, a silver necklace, a cameo-style skirt with black belts with gray, silver and white markings, ripped up fishnets, black boots, a red cloth band on her left arm, four black bracelets on her right arm, red painted fingernails and silver hoop earrings to finish the look, whereas in the original game, her blond dreadlocks were kept back with a blue headband with red zig-zag lines and she wore a torn white blouse with black bra straps and a black fire symbol, blue ripped denim pants with a black belt with a white buckle, black boots and a black bracelet on her left arm.


She is served as the male singer's replacement on tracks sung by female singers, such as "Less Talk More Rokk" in Guitar Hero II and "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" in Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock.

The female singer no longer appears during actual songs starting from Guitar Hero World Tour. She is now replaced by randomly generated custom characters in Guitar Hero World Tour and Guitar Hero: Smash Hits, and/or the main characters in Guitar Hero 5, Band Hero and a few songs in the story mode of Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock.


  • Many players call her "Jessica" or "Jennifer" due to her normal appearance, though she could possibly be named after Jennifer Lesser, one of the artists from the first Guitar Hero game who drew her picture from the characters video in the extras.
  • According to the producers in the first Guitar Hero game, she was slated to be one of the Guitar Heroes, but they ended up not using her genre.
  • In Guitar Hero: On Tour, she is replaced with a black woman that has a gray t-shirt, with knee high boots, blue jeans, and close-shaved black/brown hair, somewhat like Skunk Anansie's frontwoman Deborah "Skin" Dyer.
  • She was the only female singer in the home console titles until Hayley Williams in Guitar Hero World Tour.
v · t · eCharacters of Guitar Hero
Guitar Hero
Axel SteelClive WinstonGrim RipperIzzy SparksJohnny NapalmJudy NailsPandoraXavier Stone
NPCs: The BassistThe DrummerThe Female SingerThe KeyboardistThe Male Singer
Guitar Hero II
Casey LynchLars ÜmlaütEddie Knox
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
Elroy BudvisGod of RockLouMetalheadMidoriSlashTom Morello
NPCs: Bret Michaels
Guitar Hero: On Tour
Gunner JaxonMemphis Rose
NPCs: The Female Singer
Guitar Hero: Aerosmith
Brad WhitfordDMCJoe PerryTom Hamilton
NPCs: Joey KramerThe Rhythm GuitaristSteven Tyler
Guitar Hero World Tour
Aaron SteeleBilly CorganHayley WilliamsJimi HendrixJohnny ViperMarcus FretshredderMatty CannzNickOzzy OsbourneRiki LeeRinaRockubotShirley CrowleySkeletonStingTed NugentTravis BarkerZakk Wylde
Guitar Hero On Tour: Decades
NPCs: ChadMarcusMichelleRonSalZach
Guitar Hero: Metallica
FembotJames HetfieldKing DiamondKirk HammettLars UlrichLemmyRobert TrujilloZach Harmon
Guitar Hero On Tour: Modern Hits
Calista ValenzSimon Grimmsy
NPCs: Miss Heather
Guitar Hero: Smash Hits
Mario Greendale
Guitar Hero: Van Halen
Alex Van HalenDavid Lee RothEddie Van HalenWolfgang Van Halen
Guitar Hero 5
Carlos SantanaFrankenRockerGerald Contest WinnerGolden GodJohnny CashKurt CobainMatt BellamyRacques TopusRobbie LobsterScrap HeapShadowShirley Manson
Band Hero for home consoles
Adam LevineAdrian YoungGwen StefaniQuincy StylesTaylor SwiftTom DumontTony Kanal
Band Hero for Nintendo DS
Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock
Arthas MenethilAustin TejasDemi-God of RockEcho TeslaMinotaur
*Characters are listed in their debut video game. Rock Star Creator not included.